S.J.D. Panel- A Variety of Paths (Hosted by "Law as Science")

Every S.J.D. Students have his/her unique design of paths, and each of their journeys is worth sharing. “An S.J.D. Panel- A Variety of Paths” is an event organized by “Law as Science,” an online academic legal learning community. We are thrilled to invite three S.J.D. Candidates to share their diverse experiences: Assaf Harpaz has an article published in “The Yale Journal of International Law” and will talk about what makes a “good” law review article. Paola G. Zaragoza Cardenales recently passed the N.Y. bar exam and will speak about her preparation process. Rowland ATTA-KESSON will present doing empirical legal research as a research method with his dissertation’s field research experience.
¿POR QUÉ PRODUCTO SE CONOCE PUERTO RICO? Colombia tiene su café, Cuba tiene sus Cigarros y Francia su Champán ¿Y Puerto Rico......? En este episodio discutimos con la Licenciada Paola Zaragoza Cardenales sobre las denominaciones de origen y la necesidad de establecer una marca de país para potenciar nuestro comercio con el mundo.
DelPaís Law Puerto Rico's attempt at Geographical Indications
Three Minute Thesis (3MT) is a research communication competition founded by the University of Queensland in 2008. The competition challenges master's and doctoral students to present a compelling oration on their thesis or dissertation research and its significance to a general audience in just three minutes. IU Bloomington, which hosts its annual 3MT competition each spring, joins over 900 universities worldwide that host local 3MT events. https://iu.mediaspace.kaltura.com/media/t/1_h2k7kqy3/248376193