Intellectual Property

We provide USPTO and US Copyright registration services and coordinate assistance for registration under Puerto Rico law.
Start Protecting Your Assets
Regulatory Requirements

Trademark Law

Secure Your Brand and Identity

From selecting the right mark to filing for its registration, we guide you through the complex process. Beyond that, we help safeguard your business interests through dispute resolution, managing oppositions, and handling trademark infringement cases.

Industry Compliance

Copyright Law

Safeguard Your Original Creations

Your creations are your assets. We assist in acquiring copyright protection for a range of works including literature, art, music, software, and more. Our services also include guidance on registration and enforcement of your copyright to ensure your rights are always defended effectively.

Legal Blogger

Trade Secrets

Preserve Your Competitive Edge

Protecting your unique business information is critical in maintaining a competitive edge. We provide strategies to safeguard your trade secrets and confidential business information through Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA) and other contractual arrangements.

Non-Disclosure Agreements

Intellectual Property Transactions and Licensing

Monetize Your Assets Securely

Integrate your intellectual property into your business plan and ensure that your contracts are fair and reasonable. A brand with a strong trademark for its logo can license it for use on diverse products to generate royalty fees. We specialize in drafting, negotiating, and reviewing contracts that don't require notarization or public filing, helping you monetize your assets while ensuring they are legally compliant and protected.

Entrepreneurial Insights

Intellectual Property Portfolio Management

Strategically Manage and Grow Your IP Assets

We ensures your IP portfolio is not only protected but also optimized for growth. Our portfolio management ensures timely payments of maintenance fees to prevent lapses in your IP rights and identifying new opportunities to expand your portfolio with complementary patents, designs, or trademarks.

We help you monetize underutilized IP through strategic licensing, generating revenue without extra investment. Additionally, if your IP rights are infringed, we take swift enforcement action, including cease-and-desist letters or lawsuits, to protect your competitive edge and maximize your assets' value.

Empower Your Business

Navigate the intricacies of corporate and intellectual property law with expert guidance.